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Nova Scotia
(Update 2024-06-03)
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Institut national de santé publique du Québec
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Assessment and Treatment of the Young Baby for Manual Practitioners with Judy Green D.O.M.P., Dip Sc.Ost.
The Assessment and Treatment of the Young Baby courses focus on movement fundamentals based in Development Kinesiology with a deepened knowledge of anatomy and function of the deep stabilizing system. The principles of midline, the fascial system and normalization of muscle, joint and fluid field will be explored with labs to orient the function of the newborn to optimal and comfortable stabilization patterns. All lab work will be oriented to the hands-on application of manual therapy skills with decisions based in movement kinesiology for efficient treatment and successful outcomes.
These courses will provide a strong understanding of the organic, natural milestones of the baby necessary for assessment, treatment and re-evaluation. In all, there are currently 4 courses being offered. The first, Core Course 1, is offered exclusively virtually and only once a year. Core Course 1 is the prerequisite for Core Course 2. Core Course 2, 3 and Clinical Integration are all in person with small groups for amazing interactive lecture and lab format including the opportunity to treat babies with a variety of manual practice professional participants.
These courses are focused on the assessment of non neurological patients and are designed for the paediatric practitioner who sees babies in clinic that may have a neck preference or torticollis, reflux, general discomfort, intolerance in tummy time, latching issues, poor quality in developmental milestones. The infant may have experienced a difficult birth.These courses are also valuable for the practitioner with a primarily adult practice.
Increasingly, little ones are commonly brought into the clinic for manual therapeutic care and this course will up your game in the skills of assessing the baby, deciding on time-appropriate therapeutic intervention and giving movement based home advice for the parent.
Course 1 has an emphasis on the deep stabilization system (diaphragm, intra-abdominal pressure and intrinsic core), and developmental stages of newborn to 3 months with an emphasis on supine. Further, we will study the neck, midline, common neck dysfunctions, deep stabilization of the deep neck flexors and the uprighting function of prone in the developmental stages of newborn to 3 months.
For further information including Course dates for Core Courses 2, 3 and Core Clinical Courses, please visit my website: https://www.greenosteopathy.ca/courses
Website (EN only)
(Class January 2024)
Anne Macquet, est sage-femme depuis 1992 et ostéopathe D.O. depuis 2005.
Elle a 30 ans d’expérience en suivi global des femmes avec accouchements en milieu hospitalier.
Elle partage aujourd’hui son temps entre l’art ostéopathique et l’art obstétrical, pour accompagner au mieux les patientes pendant la grossesse, l’accouchement et le post-partum.
Elle intervient depuis plusieurs années en tant que formatrice dans des organismes de formation.
Site (FR)
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